Rebekah Brown is the founder of the vibrant midlife community and powdered supplement range, MPowder. Launched in 2020 as a response to her own journey into menopause, MPowder’s ambition is to make midlife a superpower for women everywhere.
How important is sleep to your personal daily life?
Sleep is the bedrock of self-care - particularly in midlife when our bodies crave rest. Unfortunately, sleep is often the first thing that is lost when we’re anxious or stressed. Around 60% of us will struggle with sleep in menopause - and I definitely fall into that statistic! I am learning to appreciate rest even when insomnia hits and to use breath work and self care tools to keep my mind calm when those periods of wakefulness hit.
MPowder's highly nutritious powdered supplement range is specifically designed for menopause
How do you switch off after a working day?
Like many people juggling family, I tend to jump into another active pursuit, which in itself is a form of switching off (or at least switching!). Cooking, walking the dog, packed lunches or pulling the washing out of the machine! But, when I have the time to consider the wind down, I love to resist the temptation to glue my retinas to another screen(!), and simply read. And it has to be fiction rather than ‘research’ or self improvement. Quiet time on the sofa, with some gentle music is ideal.
What does a typical sleep routine look like to you?
I try to stick to a regular sleep and wake routine and to be in bed by 10.30pm. I also try to journal. I use The Five Minute Journal morning and night to reflect on the day, appreciate all that is good, and set my intentions for tomorrow.
What is your bedroom like?
It’s at the back of the house - which means, for London, it’s relatively quiet! There is nothing fancy about our furnishings. We still seem to be living like students! But colour is really important to me. Our bedroom is painted a deep, restful jewel green, and our cupboards open to a pop of beetle red, which I love.
What is your sleep position?
Much to my osteopath’s annoyance, I’m most comfortable on my front.
Do you follow any self-care rituals to help you sleep better?
I am a true fan of De Mamiel’s products. They wrap you in a scent that simply invites sleep in. In periods when sleep is really elusive I will use Headspace to soothe my mind.
What are your top “sleep well” tips?
For me, the best tip has been to be kind to your mind. If sleep doesn’t come, recognise that, by lying still, with your eyes closed and your muscles relaxed, you will be receiving rest. Also know that you can cope tomorrow on less sleep. Instead of fighting what you may not be able to control, consider how you may be able to build in a little ‘radical rest’ into tomorrow too. I find 10-20 minutes of Yoga Nidra in a stolen coffee break can get you through the day.
Rebekah's Sleepy Edit. Clockwise from top left: The Five Minute Journal; MPowder's Peri-Boost and Meno-Boost powder supplements; Black Water Lilies by Michel Bussi; Yoga Nidra
Have you read any good bedtime books lately?
I loved Ali Smith’s seasonal quartets - they’re poetic, political and playful. I also love Michel Bussi’s books for the clever plot twists. If you’ve not read Black Water Lilies, you’re in for a treat that will change how you think about Monet.
Discover more about MPowder at mpowder.store